Buckfastleigh Therapy Room
In choosing the right therapist for you it is important that you feel comfortable, informed and have the opportunity to meet in a safe, non-judgemental environment.
An initial meeting either in person, or online via Zoom or Skype gives you the opportunity to say something about what has brought you here, perhaps what you hope to gain from therapy and to ask any questions you may have.
We will be able to discuss what resources you need to support you at this time and we will explore how I can help you the most. Helping you to make an informed decision whether therapy feels right for you.
In addition our first session will usually cover the following areas;
- Time and day/s of session/s (usually once a week).
- Adults/ Young People. Duration of the session (usually 1 hour but longer sessions are sometimes scheduled for nature work or other creative exercises).
- Couples sessions are usually an hour and a quarter in length.
- How many sessions we agree to initially (Often we would contract for six sessions then review together. Some people are happy to complete in six sessions, more commonly we work for significantly longer).
- Fee.
- Confidentiality (Confidentiality is paramount and fundamental to the safety of our work together, there are some very specific exceptions to confidentiality that it is important you are aware of).
My aim is to provide you with a warm and positive experience.